Student Athlete Lives Matter: 7 Free-Market Steps to Revitalize College Sports
Student Athlete Lives Matter reveals a proven method to completely eliminate academic fraud regarding student-athletes. You read that right! For the first time in college sports’ history, academic scandals will disappear from college campuses across America. And that’s only one reform package offered in Student Athlete Lives Matter.The 7-step, Free-Market system provided in this book grants student-athletes their full individual rights while, at the same time, dramatically increasing university profits and giving college sports’ fans the thrill of watching two Collegiate Drafts every year. Think this is impossible? Think again.2021 has become the most transformative year in the history of collegiate athletics. The granting of NIL rights, the collapse of NCAA power, the emergence of Super Conferences! Everyone involved in college sports has felt like they’re drowning and unable to take a breath since the NCAA was forced to shutdown March Madness in 2020 due to the COVID pandemic. Collegiate leaders are in a state of desperation to calm the storms engulfing the industry. Yet, there is an even more powerful tide of change heading directly towards them. Student Athlete Lives Matter offers real solutions to steer the ship into calm waters and produce ever increasing excitement and profits in its wake.The cross of hypocrisy universities bear by denying student-athletes’ individual rights and undermining their own academic mission will disappear with the implementation of this 7-step, Free-Market system. No longer will universities need to hide student-athletes in fake classes or useless degree programs to retain profitable sports teams. Elite student-athletes within big-time athletic programs will be fairly compensated while all student-athletes will be granted economic and educational rights (without tearing asunder our beloved college sports). It is all revealed in Student Athlete Lives Matter.All current and former coaches, athletic directors, university presidents, boosters, faculty, fans, media outlets, sponsors, (and, yes) student-athletes should read, ingest, and embrace the new structure proposed in this book if seeking a more equitable, profitable, and sustainable industry in the 21st century. Collegiate leaders will continue to be mired in litigation and scandal unless they heed the call to action within Student Athlete Lives Matter and embrace the right side of history by granting, not just NIL rights, but real rights to student-athletes.No Voice! No Rights! No Justice!