STUDY ABROAD SAFETY: A Parent’s Guide to Sending Your Child Abroad
Study Abroad
This book helps students develop the preparedness and safety training necessary to promote a successful international experience. Study Abroad Safety: A Parent’s Guide to Sending Your Child Abroad is loaded with a wide range of in-depth resources and links to allow the reader to skim the surface or take a deep dive. Personal safety is the travelers’ responsibility. The more informed a traveler is regarding global issues and resources available, the more successful the experience. To be your own safety advocate, you will need to identify vulnerabilities and focus on training. This process starts by integrating an approach of identifying, addressing, and mitigating a spectrum of risks for international travel and study abroad. Developing your safety and security awareness is one step you don’t want to miss. This book brings a wealth of knowledge to your fingertips and will improve leadership skills, effective communication skills and help define roles and responsibilities in a fast and easy way.
This book has everything a student should know before traveling abroad.
Is your student ready to discover the world? Are you worried, stressed, or feeling underprepared?
Is your student is thinking about:
Studying Abroad
Foreign Language Programs
Mission Trips
Gap Year
Volunteer Programs
Then you have the right book to help.
Strategically planning for difficult times will improve success. The truth is those who are not prepared will struggle when faced with a rapidly evolving crisis. And those who are ready will be able to adjust quickly with their leadership skills and survival strategies. Study Abroad Safety, A Parent’s Guide to Sending Your Child Abroad, covers:
· Risk Mitigation
· Preparedness
· Response
· Recovery
Send your student prepared with the proper tools to stay safe.
Carrie shares her personal experience and lessons learned while keeping her children safe overseas. During her 12 years overseas, she had a child in every grade from 1st to a senior. After returning to the United States, her children then had the opportunity for college study abroad and independent travel. This book will help develop the necessary skill set to thrive while blazing a global trail.
Hit the “Buy Now” button to get started on strategizing your student’s safe travel adventure!