Summary of Plague of Corruption by Dr. Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively, JD: Restoring The Faith In The Promise Of Science
Note to readers:This is an Unofficial Summary of Dr.Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively’s “Plague of Corruption” designed to enrich your reading experience. Genius Reads Offers an in-depth Chapter by Chapter Summary to help you enjoy it more. Genius Reads is wholly responsible for this content and is not associated with the original author in any way.Plague of Corruption by Dr. Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively is written from Mikovits’ perspective, with stylistic assistance from her co-author. At present, Mikovits is probably best known for her critique of public discourse around Covid-19 and her part in the video Pandemic in which she describes potential manipulations of a virus. In addition, she has often been called an ‘anti-vaxxer,’ which is a label she refutes. She is no longer a practicing research scientist but has continued to consult on scientific subjects and has written one other book, called Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases.The book is part autobiography and part insight into recent medical history. The authors have addressed various issues facing the medical community and research methods. They are keen to draw on historical contexts of research and practice. Such ideas are interspersed with Mikovits’s reflections on key moments in her career and those of her colleagues.It is difficult to discern how much of the tone of the book is set by Mikovits rather than Heckenlively. Still, whatever the case, there is certainly an abundance of personality in the narrative voice. The language is, in turn, familiar and warm, then fiery and outraged. There is, of course, a huge amount of technical detail regarding medical ideas and scientific data, and it is very apparent that, though she has fallen on difficult times in her career, Mikovits still has a burning enthusiasm for science and the scientific process.The authors are adept at creating insights into the kind of characters and personalities who work in medical research. On the one hand, we are introduced to the scientific community, those who put science and the search for truth at the heart of what they do. On the other, we are also introduced to certain individuals who see science and medicine as an opportunity to earn vast amounts of money. Most of all, Mikovits is keen for us to understand the monolithic nature of corporate medicine and the sheer power that, at times, can seem incredibly overwhelming
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