Surrender to Being Different: reset the view of the disabled parts that limit possibilities
Product Description
Surrender to Being Different is about understanding how we see ourselves, and how we define ourselves, as having a disability or being different. It is about “playing the part” as an award winning actor might, this role which we often play without realising it. It is about the disconnection and the mess of being you, until the breakthrough of the connection. It’s about acknowledging how you feel, so you can say, “Yes finally let me just surrender to being me”, and just float in non-resistance. It will be okay, and you can colour outside the lines if you choose. You are more than enough. The book is about accepting who you are, and liking what you see in the mirror. The book explains how to move to the connection, the acceptance and the place of surrender but first you need to sit in the mess, the gunk, in what Lina calls the disconnection. There are exercises throughout the book too to help the reader in their journey.Lina believes that what stops us in our tracks too, is not our disability but our thoughts. Believe you can’t and you won’t but if you believe you can and you will. She would know as has a physical disability called Arthrogryposis. Lina’s passion and work is about making change and challenging the status quo and being the best you can be no matter who you are. The world makes challenges for us too, but sometimes it starts with looking in the mirror at our self, which shows where the challenge comes from! If you say I can’t enough times, you’ll start to believe it! We would rather you look in the mirror and say, “Yes, I can! Watch me!” Lina also want you to feel the feelings, be aware of the thoughts that you have, and create acceptance that needs to happen. You can’t change the future by pretending in the present, that the past wasn’t there.Lina will inspire you to take action with your own life, as anything is possible in life, if you only believe and then take action.
By Bev Robinson
What can I say? I am not a professional book reviewer, however, Wow! I love this book!
I have worked in the disability sector for 25 years, both in Government and Non Government organisations and will be recommending this book as a great read and fantastic resource to my clients, colleagues and other professionals. In fact to everyone! Ms Pane lays bare her own struggles of living with a disability and the journey she has been on to get where she is today. She tells her story woven in amongst personal insights and provides exercises in the book to help examine and understand your own feelings and thoughts about having a disability. After reading Ms Pane’s book I found myself thinking of my present and past clients who would gain so much from reading this book. This is truly a wonderful book that captures Ms. Pane’s personal journey of living with a disability, and just as wonderful is that it provides everyone the opportunity and insight to take a personal journey towards what Ms Pane calls “surrender to being different”
We need more voices like Lina Pane’s assuring us that being different is ok
By Rosanna Pingitore
We need more voices like Lina Pane’s assuring us that being different is ok. In a society where we are encouraged to be homogeneous clones of one another it is fantastic that we hear a voice above the din that says that it is ok to be you! Lina encourages us to be in “the mess” and the seeming “imperfections”.
I read this book through my own lens as a parent of a child with a disability and recommend it to parents in a similar situation. Her acknowledgement of how disability is defined was confronting. I recommend the book to parents of children who through their difference and difficulties will face similar challenges. I think this book will be a great tool to hand to my son as he approaches the teenage years as a how to guide when navigating the challenges that will come up.
I can see how I can personally use the tools she has suggested. The tools are easy to follo