TASK: Performance Based Communication
Imagine having access to a set of communication tools you could deploy at any time. This tool kit would increase collaboration and improve the odds of positive outcomes for you and those around you. Furthermore, imagine the instructions were clear and easy to understand. You now have access to this tool kit, it is called TASK. TASK is an acronym. Each letter represents one of the four TASK tools. These tools are the foundations of your productive communication. Using the tools as a schematic for your communication will also enhance your ability to understand people’s motivation and intent (why they do what they do and say what they say). Understanding this gives you greater opportunities for creating alignment. TASK is a tool kit designed to help you unlock and unleash productive communication and positive outcomes. You will better understand communication and thereby become more effective with how you communicate.Effective communication is successfully transmitting information that is received by others as you intend it to be received. By communicating effectively, you will achieve greater overall performance and positive outcomes. With TASK, you can enter and navigate any relationship with improved outcomes and success. When you get a job, you don’t get to pick your colleagues or bosses, but consistent execution of TASK will prevent potential power struggles and create alignment when interacting with others. The TASK tools will equip you to develop greater aptitude and confidence communicating with colleagues, employees, teams, supervisors, investors and more. Use the tools; practice makes permanent. As our society migrates from manufacturing industry to service provision, communication becomes the new hot commodity. In this book you will find the tools to help you achieve the positive outcomes you seek. We are like machines, both in mind and body. Our thoughts and emotions are the engines that drive our actions, decisions, motivations and course corrections that we make so frequently, thousands of times per day. If you manage and cultivate your thoughts and emotions as an athlete manages physical training and competition preparation, then you will communicate at an elevated performance level as well. You too can become a communication champion!