Ten Commandments for the Environment: Pope Benedict XVI Speaks Out for Creation and Justice
Product Description
Seasoned author and journalist Woodeene Koenig-Bricker skillfully weaves together Pope Benedicts key statements on environmental justice into one volume. Additionally, she offers commentary that helps to unpack the Ten Commandments for the Environment, which were recently released by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. Koenig-Bricker helps us understand an environmentally responsible lifestyle as a moral responsibility to protect the poor, who suffer most when climate change creates a shortage of resources. With practical, everyday ideas for reducing ones ecological footprint, this book is a must-read for those seeking the inspiration that the Holy Father radiates to a new generation of Catholics.
From Publishers Weekly
Despite a slightly misleading title, this compilation does a creditable job of summarizing contemporary Catholic thought on the timely topic of the environment. The book purports to be about what Benedict XVI, who has been dubbed the green pope for his interest in environmental issues, is saying, but it contains substantial commentary from others as well, including his predecessor, John Paul II. Benedict is keen on the environment and has had plenty to say about it since his election in 2004. Koenig-Bricker is careful to point out that Benedict adheres to Judeo-Christian teaching, holding that the earth was created by God and is not a god itself, and that it is neither equal to nor superior to humanity, but GodÖs gift to humans.
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