The Addiction Manifesto
Product Description
2020 International Book Awards Finalist for Health: Addiction & Recovery
“Some people won’t believe in you, and that’s ok, this journey isn’t about them. It’s about you.”
The Addiction Manifesto has been uniquely designed to provide you with a new perspective on recovery and will show you that anything is possible.
In this deeply personal book, JR Weaver has crafted a raw insight into his life and how he’s been affected by substance abuse over the past 20 years. He details his recovery process and how he’s dealt with loss.
With this book he wishes to help people on their journey to recovery. His realistic approach details his journey to try to have a normal life again.
If you’re going through addiction recovery or want to help someone who is… This book allows you to fain a greater understanding of substance abuse and its many challenges.
From the Author
Wish I could say that I had a magical vision about writing this amazing book but the real truth is that I was locked up in Dorchester County Detention Center on 4 felony charges, which wasn’t good since I was already on bond from a felony charge in Charleston County and Berkeley County and currently pleaded into Charleston County Drug Court. I had a problem with drugs, at the time I would have denied being a Addict but the ugly truth was that I was a Addict. I did Addict things to keep the drugs flowing and here I found myself paying the consequences of those poor life choices. I had tried to sober up but I always ended right back out there running the streets. I had to think ‘outside’ the box so I started writing about my addiction, how it controlled me, used me and forgot about me as soon as I couldn’t do anything for it. I realized that addiction doesn’t care about us, it fools us into believing that we can’t live without it, it tells us that it will make all our problems disappear but it doesn’t mention the price that we have to pay or that it will make everything that is good in our life also disappear. Our life spirals out of control and we either OD or we end up in prison, well I was looking at a long prison sentence so I had to find a way to change. The Addiction Manifesto is what opened my eyes to the power of addiction, but thats not what intimidated me about sobering up, it was facing the consequences of all those destroyed relationships, my family and friends that I had disappointed, it was about rejoining a society that had me labeled as a ‘Addict’ and rightfully so. It was about moving forward each day no matter what, well I’m happy to say that writing has saved me from my addiction demons, my new charges were rolled up into my current drug court plea and I was returned to drug court. I graduated drug court with no sanctions, I even volunteered to become the 1st mentor for the new Veteran’s Treatment Court. Somehow the hospital even gave me a chance at a job and I’m happy to say that 2 years later I’m still working there lol. I’ll be 4 years sober this November 10th and I still continue writing about addiction. If I can help someone believe in themselves and in the power of recovery then I’d call that a dam good day 🙂 Hope you enjoyed the book and please leave a review.
About the Author
Army Veteran JR Weaver Chronicles His Journey to Recovery in The Addiction Manifesto Talented author and army veteran, JR Weaver, shares his experience battling addiction in his soon-to-be-launched book titled The Addiction Manifesto JR Weaver is an army veteran and person in long-term recovery who is passionate about the health and wellness of others as he is set to release his book titled The Addiction Manifesto. The author is looking to assist millions of people in different parts of the world through their journey to recovery as he details his experience and struggles with the hope of championing a global recovery revolution. Substance abuse and addiction remain a major plague that has continued to generate a lot of conversatio