The Big Book of Invisible Technology: A Look At How Things Work For Kids
Product Description
Learn to see how modern technology is all around us―a hands-on approach for kids 8 to 12
Bluetooth brings beautiful music to your ears―but how, exactly? Using technology and building with technology are two different skill sets―and a twenty-first-century kid will need to understand both. The Big Book of Invisible Technology offers ways to explore how things work for kids in fun, hands-on ways.
From the invisible Internet to driverless cars and drones, this book shows you how things work for kids, using step-by-step experiments. Then apply your knowledge and learn how you may, one day, bring real and important change to our lives. Are you ready to solve some of Earth’s biggest challenges with technology? The future needs you.
In this book on how things work for kids you’ll discover:
Talk like a pro―Important tech-related words are highlighted in bold along with their definitions, in a virtual dictionary of how things work for kids.
Hands-on―Nine applied experiments will inspire you to learn while doing―like taking apart and safely rebuilding an old keyboard or remote control.
Think bigger―Discover how to brainstorm as you plan ways to positively influence our planet.
Take a step toward being the next great scientist, engineer, or tech genius when you learn how things work for kids.
“Chloe Taylor has expertly crafted a guide to inspire our next generation of leaders. The Big Book of Invisible Technology inspires kids to use their hands and think big with tech to solve our world’s biggest problems.” ―Reshma Saujani, founder and CEO of Girls Who Code and NYT best-selling author of Brave, Not Perfect
About the Author
Chloe Taylor is an author, entrepreneur, and facilitator of the Girls Who Code program that advocates for gender and racial equity in the technology industry. She is the founder of Chloe Taylor Technology, an education consulting company that partners with schools, businesses, and organizations to incorporate technology education for young learners.