The Chapter 800 Answer Book
The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) has released the final version of Chapter <800> Hazardous Drugs: Handling in Healthcare Settings, and all facilities must be in compliance by July 1st, 2018. To provide expert guidance and practical advice to pharmacists, technicians and other health professionals involved in the compounding and handling of hazardous drugs, ASHP has published the Chapter <800> Answer Book. A comprehensive guide to every area of compounding, administering, storing, and disposing of hazardous drugs, the Answer Book is written in plain language in a question-and-answer format by Patricia C. Kienle, RPh, MPA, FASHP. Learn What You Need to Know Quickly and Easily* Organized in a format like Chapter <800>, each section begins with an overview of the key issues and requirements of that section, followed by questions and answers covering the specifics of compliance.* A glossary of terms, acronyms, and abbreviations, plus extensive reference to the NIOSH List of Antineoplastic and Other Hazardous Drugs in Healthcare Settings, adds to the ease of use.* The book also includes, as an appendix, the Competency Assessment for Compounding Hazardous Drugs, updated from ASHP’s Competence Assessment Tools for Health-System Pharmacies, Fifth Edition.Find answers to more than 600 critical questions, including the following:* Who has to comply with <800> and when?* We’ve never had an injury from chemo agents, why is Chapter <800> needed?* What new procedures are needed?* Is disposal of hazardous drugs part of my responsibilities?* What constitutes appropriate personal protective equipment?* Under <800> will I need a containment segregated compounding area?* What is required to be in a spill kit?* What type of quality assurance is required?Get compliance details for all aspects of hazardous drug handling-all in one convenient, easy-to-use guide.