The Civil Graces Project: The Pursuit for Common Ground
Product Description
There are many ways to live a life, but one thing we know for certain through studying history, the arts, psychology, business, or nearly any field you wish is that there are certain characteristics to living a life of meaning and purpose-elements that also resonate with the founding ideals of the United States. Author Elizabeth Moro refers to these self-evident truths as the Civil Graces. The Civil Graces Project invites you to embark on a journey that has the power to transform your life and the world around you. There are many graces to choose from, and embracing a few or even one in your life can shift your perspective and bring about dramatic change. You can live your life with intention and attention, despite what might be happening in the larger context of the world. Escape the noise and live the life of your dreams. You can save the world by first examining your life and then putting these truths into practice. This self-improvement guide focuses on uniting principles that uplift us and bring us together to pursue common ground and make a more perfect union.
About the Author
After running for U.S. Congress, Elizabeth Moro knew there had to be a way to redefine the common ground and dispel the myth that we are a divided nation. She created an organization Little Barn of Big Ideas to get the community to the table to dialogue and develop the big ideas that can help change our world. Her mission is to inspire, engage, and uplift the human spirit through her blog the Civil Graces Project. She and her husband, Vince, together have 5 children and own a small farm in Pennsylvania.