The Complete Acid Reflux Diet Cookbook for Beginners: 260+ Easy & Healthy Recipes Including Vegan & Gluten-Free; Naturally Overcome your GERD, LPR, Heartburn, Bloating, Inflammation, and Gas Relief
Acid reflux is identified as gastroesophageal reflux disease (
GERD) when it happens more than
twice a week.
GERD is most widespread in Western countries, with an estimated
20 to 30 percent of the population suffering from it.
Heartburn happens when the tubes that
carry food from the mouth to the gastric stomach reverberates into the
Heartburn is a GERD symptom.
More than
15M individuals in the
US suffer with heartburn every day, according to the American College of Gastroenterology.
In this “The Complete Acid Reflux Diet Cookbook for Beginners” book you will find the solution, how to overcome and stay away from GERD, LPR, Heartburn, Bloating, Inflammation, Gas Relief and so on. The recipes are delicious, easy & healthy too.
This book includes a
Total of 9 Chapters.
Smoothies, Breakfast and Brunch
Appetizers, Sides and Snacks
Soups, Sandwiches and Salads
Vegetarian and Vegan Mains
Seafood and Poultry
Pork, Beef and Lamb
Fish and Shellfish
Broths, Sauces and Condiments
Desserts and Sweets
Every chapter includes 22 to 40+ recipes.
You will also find a Universal Measurement Conversion link and you won’t face any kind of ingredients or direction related problem.
You will also find some precious information at the beginning of the book.
During this journey, I will help you step by step and I will show you simple ways and eating healthy meals that will get rid of your acid reflux symptoms once and for all.
I will be very happy knowing I could help to treat your acid reflux through these 260+ Easy & Healthy Recipes Including Vegan & Gluten-Free; Naturally Overcome your GERD, LPR, Heartburn, Bloating, Inflammation, and Gas Relief.So, what are you waiting for? Scroll up and click the Buy Now button!