The Dark Night Of The Soul Journal: A Workbook For Inner Transformation And Self-Discovery To Help Transcend The Dark Night Of The Soul And Life Your … Book Contains Poem And 360 Journal Entries
The Dark Night of the Soul is deeply excruciating, yet hauntingly beautiful spiritual transformational process. It is what the experts call a partial ego death. During this process, you will feel devastated, isolated, and confused. You won’t be able to relate to anyone- not even yourself. It’s not a depression, it’s an amazing spiritual rite of passage that your soul chose prior to incarnation, in order to ascend into higher levels of consciousness. The entire premise of the Dark Night is to strip you of everything that you know and so that you can re-align with your true brilliant divine essence. That’s it. Simply put, to just show you the incredible being that you are and that there is no separation. There is only love and oneness.This journal is absolutely very personal to me and I wanted to be able to help people who are going through this. It’s literally the most difficult time (most likely) that you will ever endure, but I promise the rewards when you transcend it make every painful moment worth it. The Dark Night is usually triggered a big emotional event. For me, it was when my mother died. Thirteen months later, after I gave up trying to ‘be someone’, trying to ‘do anything’…trying in any respect, my Dark Night ended. I was done, done, done, done, done. I was ‘done’ dozens of times before but this was the big ‘done’. I didn’t care about anything anymore. I was just going to ‘be’. I woke up the next morning with the darkness gone, and only light permeated me. I was ecstatic and filled with so much love and joy. Love for life, love for the process, and most importantly- love for myself. That morning, the poem just entered my head and I grabbed a pen and wrote it down. It very accurately describes the immense agonizing inner turmoil of the Dark Night, and it also presents you with the keys to transcend it. It is my greatest dream that this journal will help ease your pain and help you through this leg of your ascension process more easily.This journal addresses the ‘big questions’ and helps track your emotions. The Dark Night will get you to connect with, bring light and loving awareness to, and heal any shadows. It will tear away your reality and the constructs of your own belief system. It will literally bring you to your knees and to the brink of your own existence. It will rip away your conditioning and leave you in the darkness to find your own inner light. It’s so beautiful. You will have the most amazing connection back to yourself and source afterward that you could possibly ever imagine. Trust that there is a higher purpose to this. Your soul is ready. You can do it! You will be so joyful when you do. Also, life is meant to be enjoyed. The Dark Night gets you to relax and enjoy more as well. You will be wanting to treat yourself so kindly and have so much fun. There are trained professionals who specialize in the Dark Night of the Soul that you can seek out. This is the Dark Night of the Soul that St. John of the Cross, Jesus, and Mother Theresa went through.