The Evolution of Skating: It’s Our Expression-Volume IV
“You still roller skate?” This is the age-old question that skaters hear each time they mention this passionate pastime. The truth is, skating never ceased. The Evolution of Skating: It’s Our Expression, Volume IV, follows skaters from around the globe: Tyrone Dixon, Liliana Monique Ruiz, Wanda Brown, Rickey Davis, Joe Bowen, Denise Wesley, aka DanceLegz, Ron Butts, aka G. Whiz, Odis “O.D.” Rowlett, Ash Fahrenheit, Jaclyn Duncan, Jody Allen, Lionel Laurent, Naimah Cyprian, aka Xstra, Nicholas Moore, Derrick Johnson, Christopher Morales, Cristina Bauer, Harry Gaskin, Toure Clark, Victor Smith, Marilyn Coleman, aka Socks, Haleigh Gross, April Guillory, aka Black Diamond, and Angie McClendon as they share their tales of discovery, growth, inspiration, and passion of when they fell in love with roller skating and the impact it has had on their lives.
Enjoy a twisting ride into the gritty underground of the sport and take a peek into the deep, passionate, and sometimes personal world of this artistic, vibrant, and seldom understood historical pastime and culture known as roller skating.