The Standard Deviants: Anatomy, Part 1 [VHS]
An extensive review course in human anatomy is offered in typically irreverent manner by the Standard Deviants, a cast of energetic young performers who strive mightily to present very serious material in an utterly absurd, and therefore memorable, manner. One cast member offers a disclaimer that this tape isn’t a substitute for a student attending class, adding, “Think of us as academic Hamburger Helper.” That might actually overstate the case, as the extensive outline of anatomy on this video has been prepared with the cooperation of very reliable academic authorities. The material begins with the basics of anatomical positioning (knowing your anterior from your posterior) and moves to the skeletal system, and then we’re off and running through all the bones, onto the muscular system, the nervous system, and the sensory organs. Throughout the presentation the young performers engage in skits that are often labored and totally silly, but that’s the whole idea. The principle of this mnemonic device is that a wacky image is easier to remember than dry words on the page of a textbook, and so the Standard Deviants aren’t afraid to get ridiculous in the cause of making hard science memorable. –Robert J. McNamara
Product Description
Studying the structure of the human body can become quite confusing. In Anatomy Part 1, you will learn all about the human body, including anatomical position, the skeletal system, articulations, muscles, the nervous system, and more – all without getting your hands messy! BONUS: includes special guest host Slim Goodbody!