The Storm Unleashed – Researching Pearl Harbor – Vol. 05
VOLUME 05 OF 24 – THE STORM UNLEASHED, A DIGITALLY REMASTERED RECORDING OF THE 3-DAY SYMPOSIUM ON THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ATTACK ON PEARL HARBOR; MODERATED BY MR. HODDING CARTER III, AND WITH A PANEL OF 72 JAPANESE AND AMERICAN SPEAKERS. VOL. 05 – RESEARCHING PEARL HARBOR: THE NATIONAL ARCHIVE ANGLE – 41:22 Ms. Kathleen O’Conner, N.A.C., is a senior archivist at the National Archives-Pacific Sierra Region which holds the records for the 14th Naval District of which Pearl Harbor belongs. She has done extensive research and work with the Pearl Harbor shipyard records and helping other researchers. Mr. Timothy Mulligan, N.A.C., is an archivist at the National Archives in Washington D.C., specializing in modern military records. He received his doctorate in history from the University of Maryland, where he studied under G.W. Prange. He is currently compiling a guide to WWII records.