The Trial of Roger Stone
Product Description
“Read this book. It’s a warning of what can happen when politics infects our justice system.”
“The outrageous defending the disgraceful. Yet, somehow, their enemy is even worse.”
“A chilling story of judicial malpractice and Orwellian prosecutorial overreach.” — MICHELLE MALKIN
“More than just the trial of Roger Stone, it’s the trial of America’s basic liberties. An incredible tour de force.”
The Mueller Report was a catastrophe for the malevolent forces desperate to impeach President Donald Trump. It failed to prove any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Since then, many of the President’s former advisors and associates have been subjected to vindictive, political prosecutions for a variety of trivial, unrelated offenses. Roger Stone is one of them.
In this moving, eyewitness account of Stone’s trial and his decades-long career of political chicanery, author and Stone intimate Milo Yiannopoulos introduces America to the man behind the myth–and explains how the biggest stitch-up in modern judicial history unfolded. He offers a plea to President Trump to step in and do the right thing, and finally, he explains how we can prevent such grotesque injustices from happening ever again.
“There’s no better guide through the mistrial of Roger Stone than courtroom jester Milo Yiannopoulos. For once, the only thing he leaves naked is the truth.”
“Comprehensively vindicates Roger Stone.”
“I love Roger and Milo, but you have to work hard to cede the moral high ground to the latter’s book about the former. Judge Amy Berman Jackson has managed it.”
“The show trial of Roger Stone reminds us that the American judiciary is a fundamentally political institution. There is no ‘blind justice’ in the court of the Deep State.”
“Milo is able to see the humor in every detail. That’s his gift. He can maintain a stiff upper lip and document important moments in a groundbreaking trial, while embracing the absurdity of it all. This is our only solution. We can’t let the bastards get us down.”
From the Author
So far, the story of Roger Stone has been a strange and complex screenplay, written by the sort of people who always make conservatives the villains on TV. This book will set the record straight. It is, in a manner of speaking, a morality tale–but one with more twists and deceptions, more disappointments and more astonishments, than any HBO drama. In this book, I will tell you what I know, and I will tell you what I saw. By the end of these pages, no matter your political orientation or opinion on the 2016 election, I’m confident you’ll agree: What happened to Roger Stone was grotesquely wrong.
From the Inside Flap
As Alexis de Tocqueville first observed, America will lose itself if it loses confidence in the justice system and the fairness of trial by jury. Serving on juries and observing the Law being applied without fear or favor is how American citizens come to know justice and the basis for their faith in government.
Citizens of the United States have no King or Queen, no hereditary institution with limitless power, to guarantee the Law. They have only themselves. If the citizens are corrupt–if their service on juries is not honest, as Stone juror Tomeka Hart’s was not honest–it is even worse than voter fraud. Because while voter fraud in elections misrepresents the will of the people, corruption of jury trials destroys the sacred basis of the Law.
When something goes wrong in this system, the President is there to remedy it. It is not only in the President’s power to grant forgiveness or pardon to the wronged party; it is a moral responsibility, and a core function of his office. It’s the whole reason he’s elected. So why hasn’t President Trump pardoned Roger Stone?
About the Author
Milo Yiannopoulos is a
New York Tim