The View From My Chair: From my heart to yours, the softer side of the healthcare profession
A self-professed encourager, Judy blends her natural passion for serving others with honesty, humbleness and many heartfelt learning moments. Having endured countless dental procedures after an accident at age 10, the author intimately testifies what it feels like to be genuinely cared for and how to bring that model into one’s professional and personal life. The author can laugh at herself, challenge herself and forgive herself all while serving in a profession that requires a high level of physical, mental and emotional stamina.
Join Judy as she shares the softer side of herself and healthcare profession. The side not always nurtured during rigorous academic training yet vitally important to help foster resilience and even joy in the healthcare profession.
This book will help you:
Realize you are not alone in your career journey.
Remain sustainable in the healthcare profession.
Discover self-care strategies for your professional and personal life.
Avoid work related stress or help you crawl out of professional burnout.
Help you realize you are worth it!