The Wealthy Woman Lawyer’s Guide to Law Firm Marketing in the Virtual Age
To operate a profitable, successful law firm business- particularly a practice that generates seven figures annually- besides being a competent lawyer, you need to invest in learning how to be a good steward of your business, a CEO, and a leader. Specifically, you must learn to attract better clients (mission, marketing, and sales), leverage your resources (time, team, and systems), and master money management (capital, strategy, and asset accumulation).
Mastery of these skills is critical to the growth of a successful practice.
This book teaches you how to attract more clients through strategic marketing of your law firm’s services. In this book, I’ve chosen to focus on client attraction and marketing so we can take a deep dive into the subject.
This book also addresses one aspect of the solo or small firm lawyer’s problem: revenue growth. It is my belief that the other problems can be more easily addressed if the cash is there to help fund solutions for them.