Tiffany Studios Buying Guide: Louis Comfort Tiffany Lamps, Stained glass Windows, and Favrile glass are as famous as they are beautiful, but Tiffany … you can buy to collect or sell for a profit
Product Description
Antique Tiffany Studios, Tiffany Furnaces, and Tiffany Favrile glass are some of the most popular pieces on eBay and other online auction sites. They are gorgeous and often as presented, but sometimes damage – both subtle and severe – may not be explicitly called out or obvious from photos. Focused on the “Etched Metal and Glass” desk sets and more common Favrile art objects, this detailed and lavishly illustrated buying guide will teach you how to look for hidden damage so you don’t overpay hundreds of dollars. Additional chapters include an overview of how to buy and sell Tiffany for a profit, and what to do if you are the victim of fraud when buying antiques, and an extensive review of more than 15 Tiffany references. Allen is distantly related to Louis Comfort Tiffany and has long prized his art. As a teenager, he worked in his mother’s antique store and spent many weekends at estate sales, auctions, and the occasional antique show learning the trade and how to spot the treasures and pieces that would have been treasures were it not for damage.
As posted by Lon Manning to Facebook on 31 Oct 2020: ”
Allen Tiffany has compiled and published a comprehensive guide to buying quality Tiffany Studios desk set items and Favrile glass while avoiding the pitfalls of purchasing damaged goods, whether obvious or concealed.
Loaded with details on Tiffany Studios history, with archival and color photos to illustrate points.
A handy tool I can recommend.”