Trinity in Aquinas
Gilles Emery belongs among the world’s premier theologians of the Trinity. With an introduction by the renowned Dominican Thomist Jean-Pierre Torrell, Trinity in Aquinas combines historical erudition and mature speculative insight. In scholarly prose of rare clarity and precision, Emery explores the key themes of Trinitarian theology: divine unity, the Trinitarian character of the divine act of creation, the integration of biblical exegesis and speculative theology, and the development of Trinitarian doctrine, and the controversy over the filioque. As Emery teaches, “The theological activity of knowledge of God and love of God, in the saints, ‘imitates’ or ‘represents’ the activity of God the Father who pronounces the Word and breathes the Spirit.” Emery instructs all believers who seek, by means of intellectual contemplation inspired by love, to share more deeply in the “theological activity” of the saints. About the Author: Gilles Emery is a Dominican priest of the Swiss province of Preachers and professor of dogmatic theology at University of Fribourg, Switzerland. He has authored La Trinite creatice (Vrin) and Thomas d’Aquin, Traites: Les rasions de la foi, les articles de la foi (Cerf). He co-edited with Pierre Gisel, Le Christianisme est-il un monotheisme? (Labor et Fides). He is member of the editorial board of the Revue thomiste.