Tweezerman G.E.A.R. Brow Grooming Kit
Premium quality brow tools for precision grooming at home or on the go. These mini tweezers are designed with a wider body for a firm and stable grip while the touch up tool removes unwanted hair between brows. 1. Start by opening pores using a warm washcloth (not too hot or it can cause redness!) This will help get your hair ready for removal, and it will also reduce pain.
2. Hold the tweezers using your thumb and index fingers near the middle of the tweezer body for maximum control.
3. Locate the unwanted hair, grab with the tweezer tips and squeeze down on the body of the tweezer, pulling in the direction of hair growth. This will remove the hair from the root.
4. Continue until you have removed all unwanted hair.
Point Tweezer:
1. Start with clean dry skin and ensure tweezer tips are sanitized with alcohol or peroxide.
2. Grip the hair with tweezer tips and pull in the same direction that it entered the skin.
3. If using to remove an ingrown hair, clean skin after removal with alcohol or peroxide.
1. Hold the razor an angle against the skin.
2. Apply short, feathery strokes with light pressure to remove hair where needed.