We Adopted a Dusty Miller: One Family’s Journey With An Attachment Disorder Child
Product Description
We Adopted a Dusty Miller is a spellbinding and unusually frank narration of the roller coaster ride parents experience when they love a difficult child and are not successful in finding help. A strong marriage, a supportive family, a sense of humor, a persistent attitude, and the ability, finally, to let go of a heartbreaking situation combine to reveal a picture of the difficult journey many parents endure. The author tells in rapid succession the experiences and feelings that are common to parents of children suffering from Reactive Attachment Disorder, and/or Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Effect. The book describes the behavior usually present in children who are in need of therapeutic care. It provides an argument for the development of wrap-around services for these children and their families, demonstrating the need for community understanding and support. It offers a clear picture of the depth of disturbance that may be present in a child who, to outsiders, seems very charming. Having survived the experience with marriage intact, the Bosleys resolved to offer friendship and encouragement to other families traveling this difficult path in the hope that their daughter’s story will not be repeated.
About the Author
Phyllis Bosley, parent, volunteer, and author is a lifelong advocate for children and families. She is a board member of Cedar Branch, Inc.(a child placing agency) and a facilitator for a support group for mothers of children diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder and/or Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Effect.