What’s Your Story?: A Journal for Everyday Evolution
Product Description
“This journal is beautiful. It will help you find your voice and, finally, hold it sacred.” ―Cleo Wade, bestselling author of Heart Talk Transformational questions for personal and collective change.In this time of global reckoning, revolution, and reinvention, authors Rebecca Walker and Lily Diamond invite you to excavate the narratives that have shaped your life and write a new, fulfilling story for the future. Consisting of 150+ questions―designed to be answered in as little as five minutes or as long as a lifetime― What’s Your Story?: A Journal for Everyday Evolution is essential for anyone ready to begin living their most authentic, creative, and meaningful life. • Explore by area of life: Each chapter invites you to explore a different part of life as you move through your day―from waking up and encountering your mind, to being in relationship with your body, other people, nature, and technology, to reflecting on community, identity, and mortality. • Explore by theme: Five themes, color-coded throughout each chapter, allow you to explore a particular focus from beginning to end: creativity and self-expression; self-care; activism; spirituality; and grief, loss, and the work of healing. “Finding the voice to know, write, and speak your story can mean the difference between an existence of repressed silence and a life of joyful fulfillment,” write the authors. “Our stories have the power to limit or liberate us.”
“Rebecca Walker and Lily Diamond have created a powerful workbook to rewrite your life―to transform the scripts you’ve inherited into the narratives you choose.” ―Esther Perel, New York Times bestselling author, therapist, and podcast host“This journal is beautiful. It will help you find your voice and, finally, hold it sacred.” ―Cleo Wade, author of Heart Talk and Where to Begin“What’s Your Story? is a meditation on purposeful being, thinking, and action. It offers a clear and attainable blueprint for unbinding ourselves from the stories of who we once were and sets us on a path of who we are becoming. It is the book we need to carry us through this moment.” ―Latham Thomas, founder of Mama Glow, author of Own Your Glow “Rebecca Walker and Lily Diamond have created a magnificent exploration of creativity and identity. They welcome readers into a vibrant world, filled with encouraging meditations and engaging writing prompts. What’s Your Story?: A Journal for Everyday Evolution instantly prepares you to write your own remarkable story. A must-read for any aspiring memoirist!” ―Glory Edim, author and founder of Well-Read Black Girl“After I published my memoir, I urged everyone I knew to write their own story. Only in putting my experiences down on paper could I make sense of them, face myself, and grow. What’s Your Story? provides a framework to achieve this awakening with remarkable simplicity, clarity, and friendliness―to build a house of your truth and your story that, in the end, is a lovely home.” ―Bobby Kim, bestselling author of This Is Not a T-Shirt and cofounder of The Hundreds
About the Author
Rebecca Walker has contributed to the global conversation about race, gender, power, and the evolution of the human family for three decades. Since graduating from Yale, she has authored seven bestselling books on subjects ranging from intergenerational feminism and multiracial identity to Black Cool and ambivalent motherhood, and written dozens of articles on topics as varied as Barack Obama’s masculinity, the work of visual artist Ana Mendieta, and the changing configuration of the American family.Rebecca has written, developed, and produced film and television projects with Warner Brothers, NBC, Amazon, HBO, and Paramount, and spoken at over four hundred universities and corporate campuses internationally, including Harvard, Out and Equal, Museum of the African Diaspora, and TEDxLund. When Rebecca was 21, she cofounded the Third Wave Fund, which makes grants to women and transg