Using Trading In to Purchase New Products With Apple

I recently traded in my MacBook Pro and purchased a Mac Mini base model. They offered me $840. I also purchased a Magic Keyboard Touch ID and Track Pad. This came out to about the same as my trade in offer. I used my Apple Card to do the purchase and when I returned my MacBook Pro it said, I would get a credit back, once received. I receive my order and I sent back my Mac. Two days later I received a gift card for $302. The next day I get a $538 gift card. I called Apple and they did not know why I was given a gift card. They checked and the notes and it said they attempted to credit my account, but it did not go through. I told them I would return my order and place it again with the gift cards.

Now I am in the process of waiting for my order again. I have done these trade ins before and this has never happened before. I don’t think I am going to do trade ins anymore with Apple unless I go into the Apple Store.

Has anybody else had issues with trade ins?


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