Home GadgetsApple Ipad Pro Won’t Turn on Black Screen

Ipad Pro Won’t Turn on Black Screen

by Chris Mendez
Black Screen Won't Turn On

Are you facing the frustrating issue of your iPad Pro not turning on and displaying a black screen? You’re not alone. This common problem can be caused by a variety of factors, from software glitches to hardware issues. In this article, we’ll explore the potential reasons behind this issue and provide troubleshooting steps to help you resolve it.

When your iPad Pro won’t turn on and all you see is a black screen, it can be alarming. There are several possible causes for this issue, ranging from simple software glitches to more complex hardware problems. Understanding these common causes can give you insight into how to address the issue effectively.

In the following sections, we will delve into the various factors that may be contributing to your iPad Pro’s refusal to turn on and provide step-by-step troubleshooting tips for addressing the problem. Additionally, we will discuss the support options provided by Apple for users experiencing this issue and explore preventative measures to help you avoid encountering this problem in the future.

So, if you’re frustrated with your iPad Pro’s black screen dilemma, keep reading for helpful insights and solutions.

Common Causes of the Issue

When faced with the frustrating issue of an iPad Pro not turning on and displaying a black screen, it is important to understand the common causes of this problem. By identifying potential reasons behind this issue, users can troubleshoot and address the underlying issues more effectively.

Software Glitches and Malfunctions

One of the most common causes of an iPad Pro not turning on and showing a black screen is software-related glitches and malfunctions. This could be due to an outdated operating system, corrupted system files, or incompatible software. In some cases, a simple update or reset may resolve the issue.

Hardware Damage or Malfunction

Physical damage or hardware malfunction can also result in the iPad Pro failing to turn on and displaying a black screen. This could be caused by water damage, a faulty battery, or internal component failures. In such cases, professional diagnosis and repair may be necessary to resolve the issue.

Power Issues

Another potential cause of an iPad Pro not turning on could be power-related issues. This includes a drained battery that needs to be recharged, a defective charging cable or adapter, or problems with the device’s power management system. Sometimes simply plugging in the device to charge for an extended period can resolve this issue.

By understanding these common causes of the “iPad Pro won’t turn on black screen” problem, users can narrow down potential issues and take appropriate steps to address them effectively. Whether it’s a software glitch, hardware malfunction, or power-related issue, there are various troubleshooting methods available to diagnose and resolve the problem with an iPad Pro.

Troubleshooting Steps

If your iPad Pro won’t turn on and is stuck on a black screen, it can be incredibly frustrating. However, before seeking professional help, there are some troubleshooting steps you can take to try and resolve the issue on your own. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

1. Press and Hold the Power Button: Start by pressing and holding the power button located at the top or side of your iPad Pro. Hold it for at least 10-15 seconds to see if the Apple logo appears on the screen.

2. Charge Your Device: If pressing and holding the power button doesn’t work, connect your iPad Pro to a power source using the original charger and cable. Let it charge for at least 30 minutes before attempting to turn it on again.

3. Perform a Force Restart: If your iPad Pro still won’t turn on after charging, perform a force restart by quickly pressing and releasing the volume up button, followed by doing the same with the volume down button. Then, press and hold the power button until you see the Apple logo appear.

4. Check for Software Updates: Once your iPad Pro has turned on, check for any available software updates in the Settings app under General > Software Update.

Remember, these troubleshooting steps may not work for everyone experiencing this issue with their iPad Pro. If you have tried all of these steps and your device still won’t turn on or remains stuck on a black screen, it may be time to explore other support options from Apple or seek assistance from a professional technician.

Potential hardware issues could also be causing your iPad Pro to not turn on or display a black screen. If you suspect that there may be a hardware problem with your device, it’s best to reach out to Apple Support for further assistance.

Apple Support Options

When faced with the frustrating issue of an iPad Pro that won’t turn on and is stuck on a black screen, it’s important for users to know that they are not alone. Apple offers a range of support options to help users troubleshoot and fix this problem. Whether it’s reaching out to Apple support directly or visiting an Apple Store, there are resources available to assist iPad Pro users.

Apple Support Resources

One of the first steps for iPad Pro users experiencing the “won’t turn on black screen” issue is to explore the support resources provided by Apple. This includes visiting the official Apple website and accessing their extensive library of support articles and troubleshooting guides. Users can search for specific issues related to their iPad Pro model and follow step-by-step instructions for resolving the problem.

Online Support

In addition to the wealth of information available on the Apple website, users can also take advantage of online support options such as live chat with Apple support representatives. This allows users to receive real-time assistance and guidance as they work through troubleshooting steps for their iPad Pro. Online forums and communities dedicated to Apple products can also be valuable resources for sharing experiences and finding solutions.

Apple Store Visits

For those who prefer in-person assistance, visiting an Apple Store is another option for getting help with an iPad Pro that won’t turn on and has a black screen. The knowledgeable staff at Apple Stores can diagnose hardware issues, provide software troubleshooting, or offer repair services if necessary. With appointments available through the Apple Store app or website, users can schedule a visit at a convenient time.

By exploring these various support options provided by Apple, iPad Pro users can find the assistance they need to address the issue of their device not turning on and being stuck on a black screen.

Potential Hardware Issues

When an iPad Pro won’t turn on and is stuck on a black screen, the issue could be related to hardware problems. One common hardware issue that can cause this problem is a faulty battery. If the iPad Pro’s battery is completely drained or damaged, it may prevent the device from powering on. Additionally, issues with the power button or other internal components can also lead to the device not turning on properly.

Another potential hardware-related cause for an iPad Pro not turning on is water damage. If the device has come into contact with water or other liquids, it can result in internal corrosion and damage to the circuitry, causing the device to malfunction. In some cases, physical damage such as a cracked screen or other external damage can also impact the iPad Pro’s ability to power on.

In order to address hardware-related issues causing an iPad Pro to not turn on, users may need to seek professional repair services from Apple or authorized service providers. Attempting DIY repairs for hardware problems can often lead to further damage and void warranties. It’s important for users to consult with experts who are trained to diagnose and fix hardware issues specific to their iPad Pro model.

Potential Hardware Issues Impacts
Faulty Battery Prevents device from powering on
Water Damage Internal corrosion and circuitry damage
Physical Damage Cracked screen or external damage affecting power functionality

Software Solutions

When an iPad Pro won’t turn on and displays a black screen, it can be incredibly frustrating. One potential solution to this problem involves updating or restoring the device’s software. This can help to resolve any underlying software issues that may be causing the device to malfunction.

Updating the software on your iPad Pro is a simple yet effective solution to many common issues, including the black screen problem. To do this, you will need to go to Settings, then General, and finally Software Update. If there is a new update available, simply follow the on-screen instructions to download and install it. This process can often fix bugs or glitches that may be causing your iPad Pro to not turn on properly.

In some cases, if an update does not resolve the issue, restoring the iPad Pro’s software may be necessary. This involves backing up your data and then resetting the device to its factory settings.

It is important to note that this will erase all of the data on your device, so it should only be done as a last resort. However, restoring the software can often resolve more complex software-related issues that may be causing your iPad Pro to display a black screen and refuse to turn on.

Update Process Restore Process
Go to Settings Connect your iPad Pro to a computer with iTunes installed
Select General Force restart your iPad by pressing and holding both the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons until you see the recovery mode screen
Choose Software Update Select Restore when prompted in iTunes

By following these steps, users may be able to successfully resolve their iPad Pro’s unresponsive black screen issue using simple software solutions like updating or restoring their device’s software.

User Experiences

One of the most frustrating issues iPad Pro users can encounter is when their device won’t turn on and is stuck on a black screen. Many users have gone through this experience, but the good news is that there are ways to resolve this problem. Here are some real-life stories and experiences of users who have successfully fixed their iPad Pro when it wouldn’t turn on and was displaying a black screen.

  • One user, Sarah, experienced her iPad Pro not turning on after a software update. She initially tried to charge the device, but it still wouldn’t respond. After searching online for troubleshooting steps, she performed a hard reset by pressing and holding the power and home buttons simultaneously for 10 seconds. This forced the device to restart, and her iPad Pro turned on as normal.
  • Another user, Mike, encountered the same issue with his iPad Pro during a vacation. He panicked at first, thinking he would need to visit an Apple store for assistance. However, he found an article describing how to force restart an iPad Pro without having to connect it to a computer or power source. Following the instructions from the article, he successfully restarted his device and was relieved that he didn’t need to cut short his vacation.
  • Jessica had her iPad Pro not turn on out of nowhere one day. She thought it might be a hardware problem at first but decided to try connecting it to her computer just in case there was an option to restore the software using iTunes. Surprisingly, iTunes recognized her device even though it wasn’t turning on normally. She proceeded with restoring her iPad Pro’s software through iTunes, which ultimately resolved the issue.

These real-life stories demonstrate that many iPad Pro users have been able to overcome the frustration of their devices not turning on and displaying a black screen by following simple troubleshooting steps or taking advantage of available resources provided by Apple.

Preventative Measures

While experiencing an iPad Pro that won’t turn on and is stuck on a black screen can be frustrating, there are steps that users can take to prevent this issue from occurring in the future. One preventative measure is to regularly update the iPad Pro’s software. Software updates often come with bug fixes and improvements that can help resolve any potential issues that may cause the device to malfunction.

Another important tip for preventing this problem is to avoid overcharging the iPad Pro. Overcharging can lead to battery issues, which may ultimately result in the device not turning on or getting stuck on a black screen. It’s advisable to unplug the device once it reaches full charge and avoid leaving it connected to the charger for extended periods of time.

In addition, using official Apple accessories, such as charging cables and adapters, can help prevent hardware-related problems that may contribute to the iPad Pro not turning on. Third-party accessories may not be compatible with the device and could potentially cause damage, leading to performance issues. By following these preventative measures, users can minimize the risk of encountering this frustrating problem with their iPad Pro in the future.


In conclusion, experiencing the frustration of an iPad Pro not turning on and displaying a black screen is a common issue that many users face. From potential hardware issues to software-related problems, there are various reasons why this may occur. However, it’s important for users to understand that there are troubleshooting steps they can take to resolve the issue on their own.

Apple provides valuable support options for iPad Pro users facing this problem, including helpful resources and the option to seek assistance from Apple’s customer support team. Whether it’s through online guides or in-person appointments at an Apple Store, users have access to the necessary tools to address this issue.

Additionally, preventative measures can be taken to reduce the likelihood of encountering this problem in the future. Keeping the iPad Pro updated with the latest software and taking good care of its hardware components can help prevent similar issues from occurring again in the future. For those who continue to experience difficulties with their iPad Pro, seeking further assistance from Apple or authorized service providers is recommended. Remember, help is always available for those who need it.

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