The Biden campaign finalizes its digital team ahead of Super Tuesday.

The Biden campaign finalizes its digital team ahead of Super Tuesday.

President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign is ramping up its digital strategy with four key hires ahead of the Super Tuesday primary elections.

On Sunday, the campaign announced the appointment of Ryan Thompson as chief mobilization officer, Kate Conway as creative director, Cat Stern as director of digital persuasion, and Clarke Humphrey as a senior adviser for digital persuasion. Stern, who previously served as vice president of paid media at the Democratic marketing firm Authentic, will be leading a digital ads program alongside Humphrey, the former White House digital director for the Biden administration’s Covid-19 response team.

“I’m thrilled to bring on four experienced digital operatives as we turn to the general election,” said Rob Flaherty, Biden’s deputy campaign manager. “This is a team that doesn’t just understand how to reach voters in a climate that is more personalized and more online than ever before—they are some of the leading architects of the cutting-edge tactics needed to win this election.”

The Biden campaign’s focus is now shifting towards reaching more voters online throughout the general election cycle. The team recently launched a TikTok account and has been investing in partnerships with social media influencers to spread the president’s message online.

While young voters overwhelmingly supported Biden in the 2020 presidential election, recent polls show that their support has been decreasing. The campaign’s emphasis on digital outreach will be crucial for reengaging these voters who are becoming less enthusiastic about the president.


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