Home GadgetsApple Why Does My Ipad Pro Die So Fast

Why Does My Ipad Pro Die So Fast

by Chris Mendez
Troubleshooting Tips

Are you constantly wondering, “why does my iPad Pro die so fast?” If so, you’re not alone. Many iPad Pro users have experienced the frustration of their device running out of battery quickly. In this article, we will explore the various factors that contribute to shorter battery life and provide practical tips for managing and improving it.

The battery life of your iPad Pro can be affected by a multitude of factors, including app usage, screen brightness, background app refresh, iOS updates, device health, and charging habits. Understanding how each of these elements impacts your device’s battery performance is essential for maximizing its lifespan and getting the most out of it.

By gaining insights into the causes of rapid battery drain and learning how to effectively manage them, you’ll be able to enjoy longer usage times and reduce the frequency of having to charge your iPad Pro. So let’s delve into the intricacies of battery life and discover ways to optimize it for a better overall user experience.

Battery Life

To address these issues, it’s essential for users to monitor and manage power-draining apps on their iPad Pro. By checking the battery usage in the Settings app, users can identify which apps are consuming the most power and take steps to minimize their impact. This may include closing unused apps, reducing screen brightness, or using low-power mode when necessary.

In addition to app usage, background app refresh can also significantly impact battery performance. This feature allows apps to update content in the background, but it can consume a considerable amount of power. Disabling background app refresh for non-essential apps or adjusting the settings can help conserve battery life without sacrificing functionality.

It’s important for iPad Pro users to be aware of these factors and take proactive measures to manage them effectively in order to extend the device’s battery life. By staying mindful of app usage, screen brightness settings, and background app refresh, users can optimize their iPad Pro’s performance and enjoy longer periods between charges.

Factor Impact on Battery Life
App Usage Graphics-heavy games, video streaming, GPS applications
Screen Brightness High settings lead to faster battery depletion
Background App Refresh Consumes significant power if not managed properly

App Usage

Identifying Power-Draining Apps

One of the factors that can significantly affect the battery life of your iPad Pro is the usage of power-draining apps. These are apps that consume a large amount of power while running in the background or during active use. Common examples include gaming apps, social media apps, and streaming services. To understand why does my iPad Pro die so fast, it’s important to identify these apps and take steps to manage their impact on battery life.

To identify power-draining apps, you can start by checking the Battery section in the Settings app. Here, you’ll find a breakdown of battery usage by app over the past 24 hours or last 10 days. Look for any apps that have a disproportionately high percentage of battery usage and consider whether their usage aligns with your expectations or if they may be running excessively in the background.

Managing App Usage

Once you’ve identified power-draining apps on your iPad Pro, it’s important to take proactive steps to manage their impact on battery life. One approach is to minimize the use of these apps or find alternative options that are less power-intensive. For example, instead of using a social media app for browsing, consider using the mobile website version which may consume less power.

Another approach is to adjust the settings within these apps to reduce their power consumption. Many apps offer options to limit background data usage, disable auto-play videos, or reduce notification frequency, all of which can contribute to longer battery life on your iPad Pro.

Monitoring App Updates

App updates can also play a role in affecting battery performance on your iPad Pro. Developers often release updates to address bugs and improve performance, but these updates can also inadvertently introduce issues that impact battery life.

Regularly check for app updates in the App Store and read through update descriptions to see if any changes related to battery optimization have been made. If an app update is causing excessive battery drain, consider reaching out to the developer for support or temporarily uninstalling the app until a solution is available.

Screen Brightness

One of the key factors that can significantly affect the battery life of your iPad Pro is the screen brightness. Many users often wonder why does my ipad pro die so fast, and one possible reason could be that the screen brightness is too high, draining the battery more quickly. In this section, we will explore how you can find the optimal settings for screen brightness to extend the battery life of your device.

Adjusting Screen Brightness

One way to optimize your iPad Pro’s battery life is by adjusting the screen brightness. Keeping your screen at a lower brightness level can help conserve power and make your device last longer between charges. By accessing the Display & Brightness settings on your iPad Pro, you can manually adjust the brightness slider according to your preferences and lighting conditions.

Using Auto-Brightness Feature

Another option for optimizing screen brightness is to utilize the Auto-Brightness feature on your iPad Pro. This setting allows your device to automatically adjust the screen brightness based on ambient light conditions, which can help save power by reducing unnecessary glare in brighter environments and increasing visibility in darker settings.

Managing Screen Time and Usage

In addition to adjusting screen brightness settings, another aspect to consider is how you use your iPad Pro’s display. Minimizing unnecessary screen time and employing strategies such as turning off auto-lock when not needed or using dark mode where applicable can all contribute to prolonging battery life.

By paying attention to these various factors related to screen brightness, you can effectively manage this aspect of your device’s power consumption and potentially address any concerns about why does my ipad pro die so fast. Ultimately, finding the optimal settings for screen brightness tailored to your usage habits and needs can lead to significant improvements in battery performance.

Background App Refresh

One of the common reasons behind the question “why does my iPad Pro die so fast” is the background app refresh feature. This setting allows apps to update content in the background, even when you’re not using them. While this can be convenient, it can also have a significant impact on your device’s battery life.

It’s essential to manage and monitor which apps are allowed to refresh in the background. To do this, go to Settings > General > Background App Refresh. Here, you can choose to enable or disable the feature for individual apps, or disable it altogether. By doing this, you can prevent certain power-hungry apps from constantly refreshing in the background and draining your iPad Pro’s battery.

It’s important to note that some apps may need background app refresh enabled to function properly. In these cases, consider adjusting the frequency at which they’re allowed to refresh or find alternative ways to minimize their impact on battery performance.

According to Apple’s support page, enabling background app refresh for multiple apps can lead to reduced battery life. By managing and disabling this feature for certain apps, you can help prolong your iPad Pro’s battery life and address the issue of it dying quickly.

iOS Updates

When it comes to your iPad Pro’s battery life, iOS updates can have a significant impact. While these updates often come with new features and improvements, they can also affect the overall performance of your device, including its battery life. Understanding how these updates impact your iPad Pro’s battery and how to manage them is crucial for ensuring optimal performance.

Here are a few ways that iOS updates can affect your iPad Pro’s battery life:

– Background processes: iOS updates may introduce new background processes that consume more power, impacting the overall battery life of your device.

– System optimizations: On the other hand, some iOS updates may include system optimizations that improve battery efficiency, leading to longer battery life.

To effectively manage iOS updates and their impact on your iPad Pro’s battery life, consider the following tips:

1. Monitor battery usage: Keep an eye on the Battery Usage section in your device settings to identify any changes in power consumption after an iOS update.

2. Update apps: After installing an iOS update, make sure to update all your apps as well. Developers often release updated versions of their apps to ensure compatibility with the latest iOS version and optimize power usage.

3. Reset settings: If you notice a significant decrease in battery life after an update, you may want to consider resetting your device settings to default and reconfiguring them based on your usage patterns.

By understanding how iOS updates can impact your iPad Pro’s battery life and implementing effective management strategies, you can ensure that your device runs optimally for longer periods between charges.

Device Health

Several factors contribute to the battery health and lifespan of your iPad Pro. By understanding and implementing best practices, you can ensure that your device’s battery remains healthy and operational for a longer period of time. Here are some tips for maintaining the battery health of your iPad Pro:

1. Avoid extreme temperatures: Exposure to high or low temperatures can negatively impact the battery life of your iPad Pro. Keep your device at a temperature between 32° to 95°F (0° to 35°C) for optimal performance.

2. Regularly update iOS: Apple often releases software updates that include improvements in power management. Keeping your iPad Pro updated to the latest iOS version can help optimize battery performance.

3. Use original chargers and cables: Using third-party charging accessories can affect the overall health and longevity of your iPad Pro’s battery. Stick to using original chargers and cables provided by Apple to prevent any potential damage.

4. Manage storage: Clearing up unnecessary files and apps from your iPad Pro can also contribute to better battery health. The more cluttered your device’s storage, the harder the battery has to work, leading to faster drainage.

5. Turn on optimized battery charging: In newer iOS versions, there is an option called “Optimized Battery Charging,” which helps reduce battery aging by learning from your daily charging habits.

By following these tips, you can maintain the overall health and performance of the battery in your iPad Pro, resulting in longer-lasting usage before needing a charge.

Charging Habits

Taking care of the charging habits of your iPad Pro is essential to ensure that it maintains a longer battery life. One common question many users have is “why does my iPad Pro die so fast?” and oftentimes, the answer lies in how the device is charged.

Firstly, it is important to note that using a charger that is not approved by Apple can have negative effects on the battery life of your iPad Pro. It is recommended to use the original charger or a certified third-party charger to avoid any potential issues.

Another important practice for extending battery life is to avoid letting your iPad Pro’s battery drain completely before recharging it. Instead, try to keep it charged between 20% and 80% whenever possible. Additionally, it is beneficial to avoid exposing your device to extreme temperatures while it’s charging, as this can also have an impact on the overall health of the battery.

Finally, be mindful of how you store your iPad Pro while it’s charging. Avoid covering the device with blankets or pillows, as this can cause it to overheat and affect the battery’s performance over time. By implementing these best practices for charging your iPad Pro, you can help ensure that its battery retains its longevity and functionality for as long as possible.


In conclusion, understanding the factors that contribute to a fast-draining iPad Pro battery is crucial in finding solutions to improve its performance. Managing and monitoring power-draining apps, adjusting screen brightness, and controlling background app refresh are effective ways to extend battery life. Additionally, staying on top of iOS updates and implementing best charging practices can also contribute to maintaining a healthy device.

It’s important to remember that the overall health of your iPad Pro plays a significant role in its battery performance. Taking proper care of the device by keeping it updated and following maintenance tips can make a difference in how long the battery lasts. By being mindful of these key points, users can maximize their iPad Pro’s battery life and minimize unnecessary frustrations over short battery life.

Finding answers to “why does my iPad Pro die so fast” isn’t always simple, but with patience and diligence in managing various factors, it is possible to improve the device’s overall performance. By implementing the suggestions provided in this article, users can take control of their iPad Pro’s battery life and enjoy longer-lasting usage between charges.

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