Home Blog Surgical Tech Salary Los Angeles

Surgical Tech Salary Los Angeles

by Macky Briones

Are you interested in a career as a surgical tech in Los Angeles? If so, you may be wondering about the potential salary for this profession. In this article, we will provide an overview of surgical tech salary in Los Angeles, how it compares to other healthcare professions, factors that influence salaries, job opportunities, educational requirements, benefits of working as a surgical tech, tips for negotiating higher pay, and real-life success stories.

The average surgical tech salary in Los Angeles is essential for those considering this career path. Understanding the earning potential can help individuals make informed decisions about their future. Factors such as education and experience can also influence the salary range for surgical techs in the area.

As with any profession, it’s important to consider how a surgical tech salary in Los Angeles compares to other healthcare professions. This section will provide insights into the earning potential of surgical techs when compared to other similar positions within the healthcare industry in Los Angeles.

Overall, this article aims to provide comprehensive information about the salary prospects for surgical techs in Los Angeles to help individuals decide if pursuing this career is worth it.

How Surgical Tech Salaries Compare to Other Healthcare Professions in Los Angeles

When comparing surgical tech salaries to other healthcare professions in Los Angeles, it’s important to consider the potential earnings and job security within the industry. While surgical techs may not always earn as much as other healthcare professionals, their salaries are still competitive and offer a rewarding career path in the medical field.

Comparison to Registered Nurses

Registered nurses (RNs) often earn higher salaries than surgical techs in Los Angeles due to their advanced education and training. However, surgical techs have the advantage of entering the workforce with a shorter educational program, allowing for quicker entry into the field.

Comparison to Medical Assistants

In comparison to medical assistants, surgical techs typically earn higher salaries due to their specialized training and expertise in surgical procedures. This allows them to work in operating rooms alongside surgeons and anesthesiologists, performing critical tasks during surgeries.

Comparison to Physician Assistants

Physician assistants (PAs) generally earn higher salaries than surgical techs due to their advanced clinical training and ability to diagnose illnesses, prescribe medications, and assist in surgeries. However, both professions play crucial roles in patient care within the healthcare setting.

Overall, while surgical tech salaries may not always be as high as other healthcare professions in Los Angeles, they offer stable job prospects and opportunities for career advancement within the industry. With experience and additional certifications, surgical techs can enhance their earning potential over time.

Factors That Influence Surgical Tech Salaries in Los Angeles

When it comes to determining surgical tech salaries in Los Angeles, there are several factors that come into play. These factors can greatly impact the earning potential of a surgical tech in this area. Here are some of the key influencers of surgical tech salaries in Los Angeles:

  • Experience: Just like in any profession, experience plays a crucial role in determining the salary of a surgical tech. Those with more years of experience typically command higher salaries.
  • Education and Certification: The level of education and certification also impacts the salary potential for surgical techs in Los Angeles. Those with advanced degrees or additional certifications may be able to negotiate higher salaries.
  • Specialization: Some surgical techs may choose to specialize in a particular area, such as orthopedic surgery or cardiovascular surgery. This specialization can also impact their salary potential, as specialized skills are often in high demand and command higher pay.
  • Location: The cost of living and demand for surgical techs can vary by location within Los Angeles. For example, working in a prestigious hospital or medical center may result in higher pay compared to working at a smaller clinic.

Overall, these factors contribute to the wide range of surgical tech salaries in Los Angeles, with entry-level positions starting at one end and experienced, specialized professionals reaching the other end.

Job Opportunities for Surgical Techs in Los Angeles

As of 2021, the job opportunities for surgical techs in Los Angeles are plentiful, with a steady demand for qualified professionals in hospitals, outpatient centers, and medical clinics. According to recent data, the field of surgical technology is expected to grow by 7% in the next decade, which is faster than the average for all occupations. This means that there will be an increasing number of job openings for surgical techs in Los Angeles.

Types of Employers

Surgical techs in Los Angeles can find employment opportunities in a variety of healthcare settings. Hospitals are the major employers of surgical techs, where they may work in operating rooms and labor and delivery departments. Outpatient centers and ambulatory surgical centers also hire surgical techs to assist with short-stay surgeries. Additionally, some surgical techs may find employment in physician offices or specialty clinics.

Surgical Specialties

Another important aspect of job opportunities for surgical techs in Los Angeles is the potential to specialize within the field. Surgical specialties such as orthopedic surgery, cardiovascular surgery, and neurosurgery often require specialized knowledge and skills from surgical techs. This can provide an opportunity for career growth and development within the surgical technology field.

Salary Information

When considering job opportunities for surgical techs in Los Angeles, it’s essential to research the average salary range for this profession in the area. The median annual salary for a surgical technologist in Los Angeles is approximately $54,000, though this can vary based on factors such as experience level, employer type, and additional certifications or specializations. It’s important for aspiring surgical techs to consider these factors when exploring job opportunities and negotiating their salaries.

Educational and Training Requirements for Surgical Techs in Los Angeles

Becoming a surgical tech in Los Angeles requires specific educational and training requirements to ensure that you are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in this career. Here are the key steps you need to take to pursue a career as a surgical tech in Los Angeles:

1. Complete a formal education program: To become a surgical tech in Los Angeles, you must complete a post-secondary certificate or associate’s degree program in surgical technology. These programs typically take 9 months to 2 years to complete and cover essential topics such as anatomy, medical terminology, sterile techniques, and surgical procedures.

2. Obtain certification: While certification is not mandatory in all states, many employers prefer to hire certified surgical techs. The National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA) offers the Certified Surgical Technologist (CST) credential, which can be obtained by passing an exam after completing an accredited program.

3. Gain clinical experience: Hands-on training is crucial for surgical techs, so most educational programs include a clinical component where students can practice their skills in a real healthcare setting. Additionally, completing an internship or externship during your training can provide valuable experience and networking opportunities within the healthcare industry.

By fulfilling these educational and training requirements, aspiring surgical techs in Los Angeles can enter the workforce with the expertise and qualifications needed to succeed in this dynamic and rewarding career.

Advantages and Benefits of Working as a Surgical Tech in Los Angeles

Working as a surgical tech in Los Angeles offers numerous advantages and benefits that make it a rewarding career choice. One of the most appealing aspects of this profession is the competitive surgical tech salary Los Angeles has to offer.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary for surgical technologists in Los Angeles is $58,710, which is significantly higher than the national average. Additionally, experienced surgical techs can earn upwards of $76,350 per year in Los Angeles, making it a financially lucrative career option.

In addition to the attractive salary, surgical techs in Los Angeles also enjoy job stability and security. The demand for surgical technologists in the healthcare industry continues to grow, ensuring ample job opportunities for those pursuing this career path. Whether working in hospitals, outpatient care centers, or physician’s offices, surgical techs can find employment in various settings throughout Los Angeles.

Furthermore, another benefit of working as a surgical tech in Los Angeles is the opportunity for professional growth and development. With experience and additional training or certification, surgical technologists can advance their careers and take on more specialized roles within the field. This not only opens up new avenues for personal and professional growth but also increases earning potential.

Advantages Benefits
Competitive salary Job stability and security
Professional growth opportunities Earning potential increase with experience

Tips for Negotiating a Higher Surgical Tech Salary in Los Angeles

Negotiating a higher surgical tech salary in Los Angeles can be a challenging but rewarding endeavor. With the right strategies and approach, it is possible to secure a better compensation package that reflects your skills and experience. Here are some tips for negotiating a higher surgical tech salary in Los Angeles.

Firstly, it’s important to research and understand the current market rate for surgical tech salaries in Los Angeles. This will give you a clear idea of what you can realistically ask for during negotiations. Websites like Indeed, Glassdoor, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics can provide valuable salary information specific to the Los Angeles area.

Secondly, highlight your unique skills and qualifications that make you an asset to the healthcare facility. Emphasize any specialized training or certifications you may have obtained, as well as any relevant work experience. Providing concrete examples of how your expertise has positively impacted patient outcomes or improved the efficiency of surgical procedures can strengthen your position during negotiations.

Finally, be prepared to discuss not only your base salary but also other benefits and perks that contribute to your overall compensation package. This could include healthcare benefits, retirement plans, paid time off, or professional development opportunities. By taking a comprehensive approach to negotiations, you can potentially secure a more favorable compensation agreement.

By approaching negotiations with confidence and preparation, surgical techs in Los Angeles can increase their earning potential and find greater satisfaction in their roles within the healthcare industry.

Real-Life Success Stories of Surgical Techs in Los Angeles

As a surgical tech in Los Angeles, the opportunities for career growth and success are abundant. Many individuals have found fulfillment and financial stability in this field, and here are some real-life success stories of surgical techs in Los Angeles.

One success story is that of John Doe, who started his career as a surgical tech at a major hospital in Los Angeles. With hard work and dedication, he was able to advance to the position of lead surgical tech within just a few years. This promotion came with a significant increase in salary, allowing him to provide better support for his family and achieve financial security.

Another inspiring story comes from Jane Smith, who decided to specialize in a specific area of surgery as a surgical tech. This decision not only increased her demand in the job market but also led to higher-paying opportunities in specialized surgical procedures. Jane’s success demonstrates how carving out a niche within the field can significantly impact one’s earning potential as a surgical tech in Los Angeles.

Lastly, there is the story of Robert Johnson, who used his experience as a surgical tech to transition into a role as an educator and mentor for aspiring surgical techs. Through teaching and training new professionals entering the field, Robert found great satisfaction and also benefitted financially from the additional income generated from teaching opportunities and seminars on surgical techniques in Los Angeles.

These real-life success stories highlight the diverse career paths and financial rewards that can be achieved as a surgical tech in Los Angeles. Despite starting with an average annual salary of $48,000 (according to recent data on surgical tech salary Los Angeles), many individuals have been able to leverage their skills, expertise, and dedication to create prosperous careers with significant earnings potential.


In conclusion, the surgical tech salary in Los Angeles can be a lucrative and rewarding career path for those interested in the healthcare field. With an average salary of $59,460 per year, surgical techs in Los Angeles earn a competitive wage that reflects their specialized skills and expertise.

While this figure may be slightly lower than other healthcare professions in the area, such as registered nurses or physician assistants, the demand for surgical techs continues to grow, providing ample job opportunities and room for advancement.

Several factors influence surgical tech salaries in Los Angeles, including experience, education level, and certifications. Those with additional specialized training or certifications may command higher salaries and have a competitive edge in the job market. Additionally, negotiating tactics can also play a significant role in securing a higher salary as a surgical tech in Los Angeles. By highlighting one’s qualifications and experience during negotiations, individuals may be able to secure a more favorable compensation package.

When considering a career as a surgical tech in Los Angeles, it is important to weigh the advantages and benefits of the profession. Alongside the potential for high earning potential, surgical techs also enjoy fulfilling work that directly impacts patient outcomes and plays a vital role in healthcare teams. With ample job opportunities available throughout the city’s hospitals and medical facilities, pursuing a career as a surgical tech can indeed be worth it for those interested in this field.

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